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Salga Provincial Conferences 2016
For Delegates and Exhibitors registration forms please click on respective province and links below:
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Please click below to register and acces SALGA Municipal Human Capital Support Documents.
Date: 03/06/ 2016: Terms of Reference for the appointment of a service provider to project mange the establishment and institutionalisation of an Integrated Councilor Induction Programme (ICIP) peer review mechanism drawn from Eminent Persons Group (EPG)
Date: 03/06/ 2016: Terms of Reference for the appointment of a service provider for the production of a 10min Multimedia Video for the Councilor Induction Programme
SCM-Bid documents SBD 4 Declaration Of Interest
SCM-Bid documents SBD 6.1 Preference Points Claim Form in Terms of The Preferential Procurement Regulations 2011
SCM-Bid documents SBD 7.1 This form must be filled in duplicate by both the successful bidder (part 1) and the purchaser (part 2). Both forms must be signed in the original so that the successful bidder and the purchaser would be in possession of originally signed contracts for their respective records.
SCM-Bid documents SBD 7.2 This form must be filled in duplicate by both the service provider (part 1) and the purchaser (part 2). Both forms must be signed in the original so that the service provider and the purchaser would be in possession of originally signed contracts for their respective records.
SCM-Bid documents SBD 8 Declaration of bidder’s past supply chain management practices
SCM-Bid documents SBD 9 Certificate of independent bid determination