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Association of Palestinian Local Authorities and South African Local Government Association meet to revise action plan on cooperation

Posted: 10 November 2016


SALGA met with the Association of Palestinian Local Authorities (APLA) in Pretoria, Thursday, 10 November 206, to revive its cooperation agreement and share mutual experiences.

The Palestinian delegation was led by President of APLA and Executive Mayor of Ramallah Municipality Moussa Hadid. Local government associations stand to benefit more when they cooperate and share political and administrative experiences so they can improve themselves to better serve their members.

The formal relationship between SALGA and APLA is doing exactly that, having formalised their relationship since 3 July 2013, when the two associations signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Ramallar. This week saw APLA visiting SALGA is South Africa to revive the MoU.

SALGA and APLA will train and build capacity amongst its officials for the benefit of member municipalities, develop and undertake joint projects for investment and local economic development.

Representing SALGA, Mr Seana Nkhahle said the formal relationship between SALGA and the Palestine local government dates back to 3 July 2013 when the two organisation signed an MoU. Nkhahle said SALGA and the Palestine will continue to work together and develop fraternal relations between the two organisations.

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