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Transport Month
October was declared Transport Month in 2005 during the Transport Lekgotla. Transport Month is celebrated to increase awareness on road safety and to celebrate the critical role of transport in the economy. It also creates emphasis on efficient, affordable, accessible, reliable and safe modes of public transport.
During this month SALGA supports the phased implementation of the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act (AARTO) which seeks to enhance road safety and its implications on people's lives, health, and the economy. We continue to work with the relevant agencies to ensure that the requisite capacity and systems to implement the Act is strengthened especially at the municipal levels.
SALGA is also working with the South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO) to promote the development, operations, and management of inter-modal public transport facilities that enhance integration, safety, cleanliness, social and economic opportunities within public transport facilities
SALGA is focusing on the Development of the Integrated Multi Modal Transport Facility, which considers numerous factors such as government policy, law enforcement, punctuality, accessibility, and many other factors that influence Multi Modal Transportation.
As we celebrate Transport Month, it is important to be cognisant of the role that mobility plays in our everyday lives. Effective mobility is the lifeblood of well-functioning urban systems. It enables access to social, cultural and economic opportunities that our cities, towns and villages offer.