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SA Celebrates 25 Years of Democracy




Posted: 26 April 2019

The South African Government has urged South Africans to join in on this year’s national Freedom Month celebration that coincides with the country’s 25 years of Freedom and Democracy.
The celebration is a month before South Africans take to the polls on 8 May. The theme for this year is “Celebrating 25 Years of Democracy”.

“Freedom Month affords South Africans the opportunity to make a pledge towards fighting the legacy of racism and economic inequality as well as renewing loyalty to the country and commitment to its future,” government said in a statement issued on Thursday.

“During this Freedom Month we celebrate our achievements and reflect on our successes during the 25 years of Freedom and Democracy,” said Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Acting Director-General Phumla Williams.
She said the country’s vibrant democracy is anchored in the Constitution which guarantees equal rights for all.

“Since the dawn of democracy, government has consistently worked on improving the lives of all South Africans,” said Williams.

Government has encouraged South Africans to work together to encourage a socially integrated and inclusive South Africa. “All sectors of society must play their part in building an inclusive economy and work together to remove all obstacles which still divide society and strive to build on the many ties that bind it together,” Williams said.

Government added that nation building is a process that should be nurtured and defended and South Africans should continue forging a national identity which binds everyone together around the values including mutual respect, tolerance and acceptance.

Members of the public are urged to join the conversation on social media and share their messages, memories or reflections of these 25 Years of Freedom and Democracy using the hashtags #FreedomMonth and the #MyFreedomSA

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