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Gauteng Municipalities Urged To Continue Prioritising Service Delivery And To Serve Communities Diligently


Posted: 05 September 2018

Municipalities in the Gauteng Province convened at the South African Local Government Associations (SALGA) two-day Provincial Members Assembly (PMA) which commenced on the 4th of September 2018 and concluded today, 5th September 2018.
Now in its 12th year, the PMA is a constitutional meeting of all municipalities which takes place in between Provincial Conferences, and serves as a platform to;

  • Adopt the provincial members’ programme of action, business plan and budget in respect of the ensuing year;
  • Consider reports from the working groups and oversight bodies; and
  • Deal with any other issues emanating from the provisions applicable to provincial members in this Constitution.

Gauteng Provincial Executive Committee Chairperson, Councillor Busisiwe Modisakeng used her opening address as an opportunity to urge delegates to always prioritise service delivery and strive to serve communities diligently “We need urgent action to not only build confidence, but to also reduce vulnerabilities in our communities” said Modisakeng.

Modisakeng further highlighted on how the SALGA Gauteng Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) is greatly concerned with the financial standing of municipalities which has an impact on service delivery.” We need to think holistically in order to resolve some of the governance issues which continue to plaque the sector” she added.

Speaking on behalf of the Speaker of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature, Mike Madlala who is the Chair of Chairs, highlighted on how the Gauteng Province has, for many years served as a benchmark not only for local government institutions but cities and states as well. “It is upon us as Councillors to join efforts with other entities and establish partnerships that will assist in strengthening our oversight and accountability which should ultimately lead to proper planning, alignment of programmes and service delivery” emphasised the Chair of Chairs.
Following two days of both strategic and intense deliberations, the Provincial Members Assembly duly resolved the following:
Municipal Urban Land Release & Acquisition Strategies

  • Municipalities should have the right of first refusal on state-owned land disposal
  • SALGA is to advocate for good governance in urban land administration
  • Developing municipal capacity for land release management
  • Establishing a land release governance architecture

Enhanced Human Rights at Local Government

  • To assist, by means of appropriate advocacy initiatives, in the cultivation of a human rights-orientated institutional culture at SALGA
  • Create an environment of awareness and active participation in human rights advocacy work in all departments of SALGA
  • Provide human rights training, education and development for SALGA staff and municipalities
  • Conduct information sharing on issues of mutual interest
  • Convene seminars and forums in cooperation with other cohorts of SALGA on matters of human rights, their associated violations, possible interventions within the given contexts and promoting a culture of respect and advocacy for human rights.
  • Establish good working relations through assistance, cooperation and empowerment of Gauteng Speakers, Councillors, Ward Committees, and constitutionally structured organisations which assist communities to develop context-specific activities in human rights education, advocacy and protection

Indigent Registers & Poverty Reduction

  • SALGA is to engage both CoGTA and National Treasury for a reflection on a need to review the current indigent policies framework
  • The review should be conducted through expert input on indigents and poverty reduction
  • The Review should also investigate alternatives to indigent registers and considers if there are other methods which can or may be used to target the provision of basic services

Upgrading of Informal Settlements

  • SALGA is to initiate capacity building programmes to assist municipalities in the development and rollout of an informal settlement upgrading programme
  • To support the selection of an informal settlement upgrading pilot site against clear criteria
  • SALGA is to set up a task team comprising of representatives of the settlement, provincial and national DHS, NUSP and all municipalities

Financial Sustainability of District Municipalities

  • SALGA is to expedite the implementation of the National Conference resolution on the matter of the devolution of powers and functions
  • SALGA will initiate discussions with the Gauteng Provincial Government to expedite the matter of the reallocation of the powers and functions back to district municipalities.

Innovative Infrastructure Financing

  • SALGA is to expedite the immediate implementation of the Innovative Infrastructure Conference Resolutions
  • SALGA will capacitate and assist municipalities to undertake MIG frontloading and pledging of grants for private financing (co-financing)

Through the PMA, the Gauteng PEC together with the administration team in the province will carry out the resolutions of this Members Assembly as well as continue to lobby, advocate and capacitate municipalities to positively influence the advancement of the local government agenda, but most importantly to ensure that service delivery is kept at optimum levels.

As South Africa celebrates the 100th Centenaries of Nelson Mandela and Albertina Sisulu, SALGA pays tribute to these legendary revolutionaries by consistently striving to inspire service delivery as well as enabling Councillors, municipal leadership and officials to live up to the call of #BetheLegacy.
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