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SALGA Commemorates Women’s Month


Posted: 07 August 2018

SALGA Commemorates Women’s Month
This year’s National Women’s Month is dedicated to the memory of Albertina Nontsikelelo Sisulu, whose 100 years centenary is being celebrated country wide. She was a courageous leader during the struggle for national liberation and leading activist for gender emancipation together with many other women who have played an extraordinary role in history of our country. Women’s Day (August 09) in South Africa is used to reflect on the positive impacts we have made as a nation since 1956.

As part of the Women’s Month and to unleash women development and empowerment in Local Government, SALGA will be hosting the SALGA Women’s Commission (SWC) National Summit on 13- 15 August, at the East London International Convention Centre in the Eastern Cape Province.

This National Summit will be convened under the theme “Working together to promote gender equality, sustainable development and good governance and Celebrating “100 Years of Albertina Sisulu, Woman of Fortitude: Women United in Moving South Africa Forward” and will be attended by female political leaders in local government that include municipal delegates, chairpersons of the Multi-Party Women Caucus, Councillors, Mayors, Speakers, Chief Whips and Municipal Managers. 

Others who are expected to attend, are representatives, guests and speakers from National and Provincial Government Departments, Chapter 9 Institutions, Civil Society Organisations, the Private Sector Development Partners and other interested groups to engage in constructive dialogue towards progressing women empowerment and gender equality.

Delegates at the National Summit will: 

  1. Look at role clarification of women structures operating in local government
  2. Discuss and adopt ‘’Terms of Reference’’ for the SWC and the Multi-Party Women’s Caucus in municipalities
  3. Discuss Gaps, opportunities and challenges by reviewing the past efforts and the current 
  4. status of women in local government 
  5. Share Knowledge and exchange best practice strategies and programmes in local government
  6. Finally, Development and adoption of the Programme of Action for the current term of office. 

The SWC was launched in 2010 during the Women in Local Government Summit, which was held in Gauteng Province.  The SWC is a mechanism to institutionalise advocacy processes as the voice of women in local government and to ensure progress at a local level as well as supporting the national, regional and global goals of women empowerment and gender equality and equity.

The expected outcomes of the Summit include:

  1. A roadmap to inform the SWC in championing and leading gender mainstreaming in local government level
  2. The Programme of Action to guide the functions and operations of the SALGA Women’s Commission.

As President Cyril Ramaphosa said “We must work together to significantly improve the status of women – and especially young women – in the economy, ensuring that we achieve gender parity. Women must be equally represented in the workplace and must receive equal pay.”

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