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SALGA and WITS host graduations and urge municipal leaders to adequately respond to the challenges faced by local government



Posted: 17 July 2018

The South African Local Government Association (SALGA) convened a successful Inaugural Local Links Leadership Conversations Lecture Series Seminar on Thursday, 12 July 2018, at the WITS School of Governance (WSG).

More than 200 municipal leaders consisting of Mayors, Councillors, and Municipal Officials attended the seminar which was held under the theme “Honouring the Legacy of Nelson Mandela through Inspiring thought Leadership in Local Government Sphere”.

During his keynote address, SALGA President Councillor Parks Tau said the Local Links Leadership Conversations is one of SALGA Centre for Leadership and Governance's intervention programmes, that continuously formulates and implements a range of municipal leadership focused interventions aimed at enhancing the capacity of municipalities to adequately respond to the challenges they face in local government.

Councillor Tau said it was a distinct pleasure for SALGA to participate in the panel discussions hosted by the Wits School of Governance, to discuss the legacy of Nelson Mandela and its relation in fostering and inspiring accountable local government.

''As you would surely agree, seeking to exactly emulate the legacy of this otherworldly statesman is a rather tall order. No living mortal, at least in our midst and known to us, can even begin to approximate what Madiba represented before 1994 and achieved as a dedicated servant for democratic South Africa,'' said Councillor Tau.

Councillor Tau said the 1998 White Paper on Local Government, talks about the objective of closing the gap between the current reality and the sustainable society we want.

‘’Local government is arguably characterised by limited governance resources, a shrinking revenue base, incapacitated civil servants, ethical indifference, lack of public trust and devaluation of public property expressing itself at times through violent service delivery,’’ he told guests.     

However, he said the desired sustainable society is one where there is good governance, resilient institutions, and financial sustainability, as well as access to quality service and infrastructure.

The day culminated with a graduation ceremony of approximately 105 municipal leaders from various municipalities, who have completed this extensive LGSETA funded programme
Speaking during the closing remarks, SALGA CEO Xolile George urged graduates to go back to their communities and find solutions to the problems faced by communities.

‘’We hope that this investment will contribute if freeing the vision within everyone to realize the vision of Madiba. This is to harness the potential of everyone. As active citizens, we will reflect and respect the values of Madiba and be selfless,’’ Said George.
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